Sunday, September 03, 2006

Biddeford's Recovery Month

I’ve been up to a few things… This past week I sung the national anthem at Seadogs game again and at the Thomas Point Beach Bluegrass Festival. Ever since I performed with the Playing Possum in Rockland, I fell in love with that genre of music!

Last Friday evening, my hometown had a ‘kick off’ for National Alcohol and Drug Abuse Recovery Month in an effort to raise awareness of substance abuse and to take steps towards becoming a healthier community. In the month of September, our city will focus on four areas: prevention, rehabilitation, recovery, and community response.

I had the opportunity to open the event with Mayor Nutting and speak about my platform in conjunction with the town’s initiative. The Project AWARE Players performed a moving improvisation about substance abuse, the alumni band played, and we had a showing of the drug awareness film, ‘Ty’, produced by Crossroads.

To read a little more about Recovery Month, go to....

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With Mayor Nutting and the Project AWARE Players

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